Fun CBD Facts You May Not Know About

CBD Facts

CBD is the current talk of the town! There’s so much to CBD that we know, and much that has yet to be discovered. But here are some fun facts you might have known about this wellness plant. Fact #1: CBD is Still CBD No Matter the Source There is a myth out there that […]

Outdoor Sports and CBD: A Connection

hand pulling out Pur IsoLabs lotion from backpack

It’s that time of the year when we’re heading outside to do all the fun outdoor activities. This is especially true for outdoor athletes. From the mile-long hikers to the soccer players, and the frisbee golf goers, chances are you or someone you know is doing outdoor sports. Outdoor activities, while fun and freeing, can […]

Easy Ways to Include CBD Products Into Your Everyday Routine

Daily CBD Products in a row

People are constantly seeking better ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Sure, exercise and healthy eating are always top priorities for people, but what about other opportunities to help you mentally and physically? In the wellness industry, cannabidiol, or CBD, has become as popular as eating healthy or meditating. CBD is known to activate the […]

Balance Your Life this Year with CBD

Average life is no doubt hectic. Amidst the crazy days of getting the kids to school, a full-time job, side hustles, house chores, and all the minuscule tasks in life, it can be hard to balance your life. At Pur IsoLabs, we believe that balance can be achieved by tweaking your lifestyle with a little […]

CBD Vs. THC: What’s the difference?


Often thought of as one in the same, CBD and THC are like fraternal twins. They look the same, they come from the same mother, but they have their own features and personality.  Your body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which CBD and THC are similar to. This allows both to engage with receptors in the endocannabinoid […]

Benefits of Using CBD Oil Under the Tongue

Benefit of Using CBD Oil Under the Tongue

One of the most effective ways to consume CBD oil is sublingually, or under the tongue. The way you consume CBD products directly affects the rate at which your body processes its effects. When most medications and supplements are taken sublingually, the rate of absorption by the body is much higher. So, what are the […]

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